Is it possible to show the first 600 characters of a post in a blog site? Can i use JSlink to achieve this in a blog site?
Thanks in Advance
Is it possible to show the first 600 characters of a post in a blog site? Can i use JSlink to achieve this in a blog site?
Thanks in Advance
Threw this together, works for me in SharePoint 2013.
I bet there is room for improvement as I am no JavaScript guru. Add this to a script editor webpart on the blog-post site. This truncates all the posts when the length of the post is more than 600 characters.
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function truncatePosts() {
var element = document.getElementsByClassName("ms-blog-postBody");
for (var i = 0; i < element.length; i++) {
var text = element[i].innerText;
if(text.length >= 600) {
var truncatedText = text.substring(0,600) + ' ...';
element.innerText = truncatedText;
document.getElementsByClassName("ms-blog-postBody")[i].innerText = element.innerText;
You can use CSR to achieve this. Here is a nice article on Trimming the content of multiline text using CSR.
I have modified it a little bit which you can try. Create a js file, paste the following code and use that js file as JS Link in the blog post web part.
(function () {
function registerRenderer() {
var ctxObj = {};
ctxObj.Templates = {};
ctxObj.Templates = {
Fields : {
'Body': {
View : function (ctx) {
var bodyValue = ctx.CurrentItem.Body;
//This regex expression is used to delete html tags from the Body field
var regex = /(<([^>]+)>)/ig;
bodyValue = bodyValue.replace(regex, "");
var newBodyValue = bodyValue;
var returnString = "<span title='" + bodyValue + "'>" + newBodyValue + "</span>";
if (bodyValue && bodyValue.length >= 600){
newBodyValue = bodyValue.substring(0, 600) + " ...";
var displayItemFormUrl = "/blogs/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=" + ctx.CurrentItem.ID;
returnString = "<span title='" + bodyValue + "'>" + newBodyValue + "</span> <span><a href='"+displayItemFormUrl+"'>Read More</a></span>";
return returnString;
ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(registerRenderer, 'clienttemplates.js');