I am creating new list using CSOM on Sharepoint Online. It's creating new list with column name as 'Title' by default. I need to rename the column to 'Description'. For that I am using Update method which is executing successfully. After updating the field name, when I try add new value to field Its showing 'Title' as field name.
Please find the screen shot for the details.
Here is the sample code
ListCreationInformation f_objLCInfo = new ListCreationInformation();
f_objLCInfo.Title = "My New List";
f_objLCInfo.TemplateType = 100;
f_objLCInfo.Description = "This is new list";
_destlist = _Web.Lists.Add(f_objLCInfo);
_context.ExecuteQuery(); // List is creating sucessfully.
Field f_DestTitleColumn = _destlist.Fields.Where(field =>
f_DestTitleColumn.Title = "Description";