I need to create two new columns in a standard list, one is called "AB12" and the other one "AB13". But when I create them, the internal names of them turns into "_x0041_B12" and "_x0041_B13". It seems the first letter converts into some sort of ASCI hexadecimal value.
I tried some other column names just for testing:
- Column "A234567890" has the internal name "A234567890" (no issue here)
- Column "1234567890" has the internal name "_x0031_234567890" (same issue)
- Column "ABC12" has the internal name "_x0041_BC12" (same issue)
- Column "ABCD12" has the internal name "ABCD12" (no issue here)
I really need the two column internal names to be called "AB12" and "AB13", anyone knows what the issue is?
// Creating the field $NameFldSchema="<Field Type='Text' DisplayName='AB12' Required='False' MaxLength='255' StaticName='AB12' Name='AB12' />" $List.Fields.AddFieldAsXml($NameFldSchema, $True,[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPAddFieldOptions]::AddFieldToDefaultView) _x0041_B12
// Getting the field information $fields["AB12"].SchemaXml <Field Type="Text" DisplayName="AB12" Required="False" MaxLength="255" StaticName="AB12" Name="_x0041_B12" ID="{bdfa6b6e-65c3-488a-b7e5-89f152fe9541}" SourceID="{4d503a5 8-e2c7-49a8-8e3e-5af955267322}" ColName="nvarchar2" RowOrdinal="0" Version="1"/>