ran into this issue before. Looks like you possibly do not have enough permission. It is clearly stated on msdn that you need to make sure that you have correctly setup the environment (not saying that you haven't) and that the account that you intend to use has adequate permission to run powershell code.
If you intend to use PowerShell commands to add the server, verify
that you meet the following minimum memberships is installed.
Securityadmin fixed server role on the SQL Server instance.
db_owner fixed database role on all databases that are to be updated.
Administrators group on the server on which you are running the
PowerShell cmdlets.
An administrator can use the Add-SPShellAdmin cmdlet to grant
permissions to use SharePoint Server 2016 cmdlets.
make sure the account is in the SharePoint_Shell_Access role.
C:\PS>Add-SPShellAdmin -UserName CONTOSO\User1
also make sure that your using the same account that you originally used to create the farm which should have sufficient privileges.
the fact that its failing at the start tells me that its a permission issue as your running the following code:
that is installing and setting up/running services on the local machine. So it would need elevated rights. Saying that i am still confident your permission is still wrong. Try and open the ps console as administrator (right click -> run as administrator) or run the following code in the console Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
it should open up a console under admin elevated privileges then run your code Install-SPService