I have already created workflow based on the below link,

Formula to show differens between dates without weekends and holidays

But, I will be getting confused in one column, i.e.,

Set variable: Holiday to Holiday:Date

How to set the List of holidays dates to the above variable one by one.?

1 Answer 1


The best way is to create a loop and perform you required operations at each cycle.

if you are unable to do it, but you can extract each element and format them you can use a dictionary


  • I am new to this one, so I don't have that much of knowledge of Dictionary, So,, is there any way to Compare the list of holidays with start date and End date to get the Number of Days off which exclude Public Holidays and Saturday and Sunday.
    – sss_arun
    Commented Dec 5, 2017 at 17:51
  • for that you could create a different approach. I would recommend you to create a SharePoint list to store your company's holidays. Then on your workflow Create a Call http service to extract the count of holidays between the start date and the end date and extract that result to your calculated date.
    – Mike
    Commented Dec 5, 2017 at 22:22
  • I have already stored the company's holidays in SharePoint List, Could you please give me suggestion about this idea. Because i don't have that much knowledge about it. I want to submit this project by this week. Please help me
    – sss_arun
    Commented Dec 6, 2017 at 6:37

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