I have a business requirement from a client to have the ability to build discussions around a document located in a document library. Threaded discussion would be a plus.

Is there a way to implement such a functionality on a out-of-the-box SharePoint 2013 Enterprise without any code development, just via UI?

Thank you.

  • You looking for Discussion Board functionality or Blogs functionality with your document Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 9:24
  • @AnkitkumarMalde our idea is that this is a versioned document which I'm afraid isn't possible if I attach a document to the discussion.
    – evictorov
    Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 12:41
  • If Blogs functionality of Like and comment attached to your document with versioning and no reply on comments and best reply will do for you? Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 12:46

2 Answers 2


I have build something like this with some javscript/jQ code using a standard comments list and joining/filtering it to the item with a reference field.

Without code you could try the "Note Board" webpart. If you only have few dedicated documents this might be an approach.

What about document workspaces - have you thought about using them? Maybe this guide can help you? https://redmondmag.com/articles/2014/02/25/document-workspace-in-sharepoint.aspx

  • Thanks! We have about 200 people to discuss approx. 100 docs. I'll definitely look at the Note board but am not sure if that fits. As of the redmondmag - I've looked at that but I don't have the "Sent to -> Workplace" option and can't fugure out why yet.
    – evictorov
    Commented Feb 3, 2017 at 12:39

OK, we found a solution which may help others.

  1. Created a Discussion Board (to store discussions).
  2. Created a Document Library (to store the docs to discuss).
  3. Added a custom lookup column to the Discussion Board (content type Message) which points to a document from the Document Library.
  4. Created a web part page with a web part for Document Library.
  5. Added a linked web part for the Discussion Board ("Add linked list web part" on the ribbon, or something like that as I'm using a non-English localization).

Et voila! You click a selection field in the doclib web part, then list of discussions shows discussions which are linked to that document.

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