I have a repeating table showing data from an external list. It is connected with further (hidden) columns in the list but the form only shows a few (3) columns from the (around) 8. First column is a drop down list and when I select an item it shows me the same value in each row even if selecting 3 different items. It seems the system pulls only one row data per group.

Can you please advise a formula or rule to be used?

enter image description here

One row down: enter image description here

Reference: How to display a complete SharePoint list row in InfoPath form

  • Hi Guido Matis, @Viraj Gorajia, I am facing same issue, so can you please suggest solution for it if you having? Commented Aug 6, 2018 at 7:01

2 Answers 2


You have to add rule on dropdown control. When dropdown item changed, Rule will fire and set it to related hours and Price textbox.

Add action: Set field's value, Add hours textbox and set value with following steps. Same process for Price textbox.

  1. Click on Fx button
  2. Click on Insert Field or Group..
  3. Select secondary data source (Your list) from above dropdown
  4. Select Hours field
  5. Click on Filter button
  6. Set condition like Item(Secondary data source) = Item(Main source Dropdown)
  7. Save it
  • Thank you @Viraj. Now what happens - when selecting an item - is that it shows the price and hours but when I go with insert item, it copies the value from the first row and if I change the item for the second row, the price and hours remains the same. Commented May 3, 2016 at 9:39
  • Have you attached rule on dropdown? Commented May 3, 2016 at 9:40
  • Yapp. I was following the exact same steps. About the built-up of the form (repeating table section) - could be useful: 1. I added a Multiple-Selection List Box, I added all necessary fields 2. I changed control to repeating table. Commented May 3, 2016 at 9:50
  • ..and I made a drop down list out of the first text box (within this repeating table). This displays the items - connected to a SharePoint list. Commented May 3, 2016 at 9:52
  • Can you attach screenshot of your added rule? Commented May 3, 2016 at 9:53

In Rules, use current() function so that is compared to the current row's field. Example:


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