Is this possible? I'd like to create a calendar on sharepoint that users can e-mail in order to reserve a conference room, just like the Room Mailboxes in Exchange. When a user e-mails the room mailbox, they receive a response stating that their reservation is confirmed or declined due to conflict.

Can I do this with Sharepoint or am I better off staying with Exchange for this functionality?


1 Answer 1


First you need to configure the SharePoint farm to receive incoming email. (ref: Configure incoming email for a SharePoint 2013 farm)

Then you can setup an email-enabled document library. (ref: Enable and configure e-mail settings for a library) At this stage, email sending to SharePoint mail box will be dropped into this library.

After then you can create a list workflow attached to the email-enabled library. When an email is received, trigger your workflow to analysis the email subject or attachment and then create a reservation request. The requests could be an email sending to boss, or could be a new item adding to a "reservation request" list, or both. It is completely up to your design. (here is a useful ref: SharePoint 2010: Workflows on Incoming Emails in SharePoint Documents Library)

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