This blog explains how ... and provides powershell script to implement
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Using PowerShell to Create Multiple Send to Connections In SharePoint 2010
So having come across a scenario where I was asked to create multiple send to connections for a Records centre design, I was sure it was possible to use PowerShell to help us out here yet again!
Now I had seen basic PowerShell scripts to create a single send to rule, so by tweaking this slightly to use a source XML file containing all of the values for my multiple send to rules you can create as many as required with minimal administrative effort. The PowerShell and XML format are below.
[xml]$SendTos = gc $pwd\sendtorule.xml
$SendTos.SendTos | % {
$webapp = Get-SPWebApplication
$_.SendTo | % {
$SendTo = $_
$officialFileHostTemp = $webapp.OfficialFileHosts | ? {
$_.OfficialFileName -eq
if($officialFileHostTemp -eq $null)
[Microsoft.SharePoint.SPOfficialFileHost] $officialFileHost =
$officialFileHost.Action =
$officialFileHost.Explanation = $SendTo.Explanation
$officialFileHost.OfficialFileName = $SendTo.OfficialFileName
$officialFileHost.OfficialFileUrl = $url+$SendTo.OfficialFileUrl
$officialFileHost.ShowOnSendToMenu =
$officialFileHostTemp = $null
XML Structure
<SendTos WebApplicationUrl="http://WebAppURL">
<Explanation>Move the HR Records site
<OfficialFileName>Move to HR
<Explanation>Move the IT Records site
<OfficialFileName>Move to IT Records</OfficialFileName>