I developed a travel plan list on SharePoint. In In the plan, for travel, there are 3 drop-down stages · Planned · Completed · Cancelled:
- Planned
- Completed
- Cancelled
But the issue is anyone can select the “Completed”"Completed" status without planning a trip. Which is now becomebecame a massive issue.
By the way, I used a validation formula under validation settings and this logic is necessary:
=AND([Planned End Date]>=[Planned Start Date],[Actual End Date]>=[Actual Start Date])**
=AND([Planned End Date]>=[Planned Start Date],[Actual End Date]>=[Actual Start Date])
Now, I need an idea to set a new logic.
How it is possible if someone chooses the “Completed”"Completed" option the logic will check whether s/he is “Planned”"Planned" or not? If the travel is not “Planned”"Planned" in advance, the system will restrict him/her to save it.
Also is there a way, if someone plans a trip and selected a date for this trip, s/he will get an auto-generated email that you have to change your status to “Completed”"Completed" if the planned date expired? Here JSON code will play a vital role if you have any idea.
Any ideas or suggestions on JSON coding or other option?