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How to make a SP list by using SQL Data through PowerShell

I have the following assignment: Our campus has a SQL database filled with printers. My job is to create a SharePoint list that printer constructors can use to read certain counters. This will be ...
Lightninstu's user avatar
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Performance Issue - Using Access to Update Field in SharePoint

I would like to use MS Access to update one field on a SharePoint list. I run into serious performance issues with MSAccess locking up for +15 minutes. Are there steps I can take to optimize the query ...
jdg's user avatar
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How to grab a value from cache and pass it to an SQL Stored Procedure

I am designing a website that queries an SQL database when opened, providing a list of bills for the given user. I am using a custom SQL query with a Data Source/Data View and in the Command & ...
auxfnx's user avatar
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Errors executing bulk query when updating a Sharepoint Linked List from Access

I have a Sharepoint list that is a Linked List with MS Access (2010). It has just under 5,000 items (4,864), thus meaning it avoids the reduction in functionality lists of greater than 5,000 items ...
Andrew Martin's user avatar
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View SQL Queries/times for page request

SharePoint 2010 has the fancy new developer dashboard where you can view the SQL queries made and how long they took to determine bottlenecks etc. I am not a SQL Sysadmin so I cannot use SQL profiler ...
Russell's user avatar
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What is the recommended way to query data on a Sharepoint site?

Say if I need to retrieve list items for batch processing, how would I be recommended to retrieve the data? Maybe Powershell or a SQL Server query?
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