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Questions tagged [sharepoint-hosted-app]

A SharePoint-hosted app may provision basic resources into its app web such as HTML/CSS/JS files, site column/content type/list definitions, etc. Under no circumstances can server-side code run within a SharePoint-hosted app.

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1 answer

Using custom WCF in SharePoint hosted App

I have been trying since a few days to call a custom made WCF service from a SharePoint Hosted App. I have read all over the information available on forums and I couldn't find a working solution. ...
Pascal's user avatar
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SharePoint Online takes hour to install the sharepoint hosted app

I am trying to write SharePoint hosted app and connecting to microsoft online Sharepoint portal (dev site). It takes more than an hour to install the app on the sharepoint after I press F5 in Visual ...
Khangarh's user avatar
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sharepoint hosted app pages authorization

I have multiple pages in a SharePoint 2013 hosted app. I need to restrict access to some of the pages to certain group. what is the best practice to do this?
Maged Farag's user avatar
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Error using resource files in Sharepoint-Hosted app

I have set a couple of supported locales in my Sharepoint-Hosted app, and now I have a folder caled "Resources (Host Web)" in my app directory. These host files contain a key/value pair WizardStep1/...
Mikel's user avatar
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SharePoint Hosted App - Error when calling load on ClientContext for other sitecollection

im using JSOM. When calling the following code var ctx = SP.ClientContext.get_current(); var appContextSite = new SP.AppContextSite(ctx, hostweburl); var site = appContextSite.get_site(); ctx.load(...
Steffen Schindler's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can a sharepoint hosted app get access to data in another site collection?

Can a sharepoint hosted app get access to data in another site collection? I'm getting a windows login dialog when accessing data in another site collection (other than the host webs site collection)....
Steffen Schindler's user avatar
12 votes
8 answers

Accessing another site collection from a SP2013 app

I have a SharePoint 2013 SharePoint Hosted app, and I've got some code that works swimmingly well when it's pointed to the host site collection. Part of the requirement is to have it point to a user ...
David Lozzi's user avatar
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