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Questions tagged [auto-approve]

Auto Approve ensure that a task approved automatically without an approve having to manually approve it.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How to force auto-approval in a community sub-site via c#

I have created a sub site from the community template with unique permission. For my users I need to force the auto-approval. Is there a way to do it using management shell or C# code?
Alessandro's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to auto-approve the task form

When we start an approval process the user should need not to click on the approve button on task form, it should auto approve. Does any one know how to perform this?
jaswanth's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

auto approve sharing request

SP2013 on premise here. Users of a site should be allowed to share any document they have edit rights for. While users can do this by the default behavior using an email sent to the owner of the ...
Juergen Riemer's user avatar