The function SPGetLastItem
from SPServices returns last id for items that only the current user has created. I want a function that returns the last id for any user.
1 Answer
Well, adding the code below as a new function to the SPServices.js file, will work. The new function name is SPGetLastItemIdAnyUser :
// Function to return the ID of the last item created on a list.
$.fn.SPServices.SPGetLastItemIdAnyUser = function(options) {
var opt = $.extend({}, {
webURL: "", // URL of the target Web. If not specified, the current Web is used.
listName: "", // The name or GUID of the list
CAMLQuery: "" // [Optional] For power users, this CAML fragment will be Anded with the default query on the relatedList
}, options);
var userId;
var lastId = 0;
// Get the list items for the user, sorted by Created, descending. If the CAMLQuery option has been specified, And it with
// the existing Where clause
var camlQuery = "<Query><Where>";
if(opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += "<And>";
camlQuery += "<Gt><FieldRef Name='Author' LookupId='TRUE'/><Value Type='Integer'>0</Value></Gt>";
if(opt.CAMLQuery.length > 0) {
camlQuery += opt.CAMLQuery + "</And>";
camlQuery += "</Where><OrderBy><FieldRef Name='Created_x0020_Date' Ascending='FALSE'/></OrderBy></Query>";
operation: "GetListItems",
async: false,
webURL: opt.webURL,
listName: opt.listName,
CAMLQuery: camlQuery,
CAMLViewFields: "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='ID'/></ViewFields>",
CAMLRowLimit: 1,
CAMLQueryOptions: "<QueryOptions><ViewAttributes Scope='Recursive' /></QueryOptions>",
completefunc: function(xData, Status) {
$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
lastId = $(this).attr("ows_ID");
return lastId;
}; // End $.fn.SPServices.SPGetLastItemIdAnyUser