I have one requirement in which I have to display the saved users to the share point people editor control. For this I am saving the user names to People/Group column. And i am using the following code for taking theis user to people editor control.

SetPeopleEditor(item, Constants.FieldNames.IT_DIRECTOR, pe_ITDirector, oWeb);

The definition of the aboe method is shown below.

private PickerEntity SetPeopleEditor(SPListItem item, string columnName, PeopleEditor peopleEditor, SPWeb web)
    ArrayList entityArrayList = new ArrayList();
    PickerEntity entity = null;
    if (item[columnName] != null)
        char[] to_splitter = { ';' };
        string to_list = item[columnName].ToString(); // Reads value stored in SPList. (i.e., "Domain\User1; Domain\User2")
        string[] arr = to_list.Split(to_splitter);
        string user = string.Empty;
        for (int i = 1; i < arr.Length; i++)
            if ((i % 2) != 0)
                user = arr[i].Substring(arr[i].IndexOf("#") + 1);
                entity = new PickerEntity();
                entity.Key = user;
                entity.IsResolved = true;
                entity = peopleEditor.ValidateEntity(entity);

    return entity;

But unfortunately the control always showing empty value. How can I achieve this by populating data to the people editor control

  • Hi I am facing the same issue. Where you able to resolve the issue and if yes how
    – SiD
    Commented Apr 17, 2018 at 10:09

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