I'm not sure if this is even possible but thought someone must have done something similar. What I'm looking for is the ability for a user to enter a "comment" and that comment populate another field as formatted text. In other words, add the date, username and the comment. I was thinking perhaps there could be a webpart that opens up on clicking a button, prompts user with a text box. Hit save and it populates another field within the EditForm with the date, username & comment.
I know there is the ability to use versioning but there I do not like the way that SharePoint handles these and would just like to control it through another process. Currently using SP2010. Initially I was able to do this using InfoPath but managing multiple pages and fields was time consuming through InfoPath. Now I'm using the standard EditForm with DynamicForms but I'm limited on the comments side.
Anyone have any recommendations or thoughts on how this could be done? P.S. The form is used to track issues with a specific software. The comments would simply be for logging follow-up items, status' from the vendor, etc. Usually less than 100 characters. The final comments field would look similar to:
10/8/2013: UserName, Peter - Testing using xyz.
10/7/2013: Smith, Peter - Sent item to vendor for review.