I need to add helptext to OOB sharepoint Title(text) field similar to Sukunimi field shown below, I have explored that JsLink to customize the Title field can be used for the New form.

how can i append my helptext to already rendered text box as Sharepoint is doing some id generation & mapping so that value entered in the text box are mapped to title field at the time of submission.

if i try to get the table element with the text box using JS and append my help text related html and return final html, i am not getting expected result(i see only helptext not text box).

Looks like some post processing of html was done to generate text box in ideal scenario, but as i hacked the html and put it back with appended helptext it was stopped.

Anyone aware of such post processing or how to tackle this with JSLink or javascript?

Trying to add some helptext to Title Field similar to Sukunimi Field

1 Answer 1


You can use the existing SP Description field and relocate it under the Text field using vanilla JavaScript

Asked before here on StackOverflow

How to place "Description" field in List under the field name itself?

  • while saying we are using OOB title field for some reasons we can not change/utilize fields of Title and default behaviour would be used on all lists, that is why we are looking to change the behaviour at only some lists using JSLink or similar.
    – Ashutosh
    Commented Feb 22, 2017 at 4:50

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