I need to format rows in a list, based on the due date and status.
If a task is not completed and there is still more then 7 days time it should be green. If a task is not completed and there are 3 days or less time it should be orange. And if a task is not completed and there the due date = actual date or the actual date is greater then the due date the row has to be red.
Now it is easy to do this with basic rules, but how can I implement the 7days and 3 days rule into
ddwrt:DateTimeTick(ddwrt:GenDisplayName(string($thisNode/@DueDate))) > ddwrt:DateTimeTick(ddwrt:GenDisplayName(string($Today))) and $thisNode/@Status != 'Abgeschlossen'
I have tried to add '-7' just before the last closing paranthesis at @DueDate but I couldn't get it working.
Kind regards.