So... I want to create a workflow to send a reminder-email 7 days before a date specified in a column of a custom list. So far so good, I have very little experience with workflows (created only one so far), but I found this solution which seems to be nearly perfect:
(disclaimer: you can find the following questions in my comment below the referenced article, too. I got no answer there (yet) and hope I could get one here)
My Problem:
I don't want to add a "Previous due date" column (or something similar) to my list, because I have a very large NewForm/EditForm.aspx and I don't want to bloat it with more columns.
So, my questions:
Is there an easy way to hide such a column for my list forms? Or is it (as this would be perfect) possible to save the previous due date "in the workflow only" as a variable and set it to the due date on workflow-start and check it later as described in the referenced article?
If it's not possible: How should I add the previous due date to my List? Just date/time with today as standard value? Or empty?
And, last question: Should I configure the workflow to start only when creating a new list entry or also when an entry is changed?
I hope someone here could answer my questions. I think I just have not enough experience in creating workflows.
Best regards, Dominik