I have sharepoint 2010 and I experience problems with the "top link bar" - it is simply not available under "look and feel" options (there is a "navigation" instead).

I've read on a variety of sites that I need to disable the "SharePoint Server Publishing" to enable the "top link bar". That's what I did - for sure - but the "top link bar" is still not available.. how is it possible? What do I do to get the "top link bar" back to work?

  • Did you disable it for the site collection?
    – Mike
    Commented Aug 7, 2012 at 20:46

3 Answers 3


Even though top link was missing from settings, by adding /_layouts/15/topnav.aspx to your site URL you can open it



Not only "SharePoint Server Publishing" should be disabled, but under "Site Collection Features" you have to deactivate "SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure" also.


You need to disable both features like "SharePoint Server Publishing" and "SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure". Definitely, it will be visible(Top link bar). Because it is a default feature so Once you activate the publishing feature by default the Top link bar feature will be disabled.

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