I want to be able to create a list programmatically which allows end users to reorder the items in the list. There appear to be 2 steps to this. Firstly set the SPList.Ordered property to true - this bit seems easy enough. The second step would seem to be to set the default view's OrderedView to be true. Unfortunately this field is readonly. I see you can set this value if you provision through CAML but I want to be able to set this after the fact in code. Does anybody know how to do this? You can see the funcitonality I'm after by creating a Links list. Then in the Actions menu you get the option to "Change Order".

Any ideas?

2 Answers 2


Can you not create a new list based on the Links list type?


I remember having to do this in SP2003, the only solution that worked was to create a list based upon the links list template, and modifying the list as required.

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