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Is there a free alternative of Send HTTP action in Power Automate? Need to call small C# function from Power Automate, don't need to read response from it. Maybe someone realized something similar? Do Webhooks need any licenses?

Want to do something like here (run small function that decodes image and puts it to SP library), but for free https://poszytek.eu/en/microsoft-en/office-365-en/powerautomate-en/how-to-move-copy-infopath-attachments-in-sharepoint-online/

Best regards

1 Answer 1


Not really. You could create your own custom connector but that also requires a Power Automate licence.

As for SharePoint webhooks, your Power Automate flow could create/edit an item in a SharePoint list which could then trigger a webhook to call your API. This isn't a great solution, but wouldn't require a premium Power Automate licence.

Worth noting, if the flow only runs under the context of your user, then you only need one premium licence.

  • Thank You much @Callum Crowley! >> an item in a SharePoint list which could then trigger a webhook to call your API Do I understand right that SharePoint webhooks don't need additional fees? So if I use a web-service stored on my server, triggered by webhook - this approach doesn't need premium, does it?.. Best regards, Gennady
    – Gennady G
    Commented Apr 18, 2023 at 15:04
  • They don't, the webhooks are within your basic SharePoint Online offering. Though honestly, I would probably opt for a Power Automate licence for whatever user account is going to be running the flow. Commented Apr 18, 2023 at 15:05
  • Thank You much Callum! I'll try to understand what fees there should be (for Premium HTTP connector + Azure function 🤷‍♂️..). Best regards, Gennady
    – Gennady G
    Commented Apr 19, 2023 at 13:30

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