I am trying to map a SharePoint online document library to a network drive with PowerShell. It worked when I execute PowerShell with my account but failing when I try to execute same cod in a scheduler job whcih is configured to run as my account

Start-Transcript -Path "$PSScriptRoot\test.log";

$SPLibraryURL ="\\mycompany.sharepoint.com\DavWWWRoot\sites\Sandpit\TEST Incoming Mail"

Write-Host $SPLibraryURL

New-PSDrive -Name "B" -PSProvider FileSystem -Root $SPLibraryURL

$sourceRiskFile = Get-ChildItem "B:"

Foreach ($file in $sourceRiskFile)

 Write-Host $file.Name



I have also tried this URL but no success


Error I am getting is

New-PSDrive : The specified drive root "https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/sites/Sandpit/TEST%20Incoming%20Mail" either does not exist, or it is not a folder.

job configuration is

enter image description here

There must be something to do with Scheduler job as same code works fine if I run PowerShell directly.

2 Answers 2


I don't think you will ever be able to do this. Several reasons:

  • Even when doing this manually, your mapping will stop working from time to time. For example when you log out.
  • You need to open the site you map using Internet Explorer
  • Your scheduled script won't be able to open the Internet Explorer with the UI. Especially when you "run as" in your script.
  • Many tried to do what you are doing and failed. You could do this with SP on-prem though, but it won't work with SPO.

If you want users to use a mapped folder, then it's a bad idea. WebDav protocol has many issues: it's very slow, it does not support collaboration for Office documents, it has issues with SharePoint columns, etc. Instead, I recommend using the OneDrive sync tool. Although, you will have to ask users to sync the library manually.


In your scheduled job, you want to run a PowerShell script that connects to SharePoint Online and downloads a file. You can use PowerShell Pnp for this purpose.

  • I am currently doing it with PNP but I have to either sore credentials in the script or in Windows Password Manager where anyone can go and edit, is there any better way of doing it?
    – Ali
    Commented Mar 11, 2021 at 6:23

Alternately, you could use Edge Browser and Selenium to automate mapping your Sharepoint drive

Selenium Powershell Module

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