I have written a PowerShell script that queries a SharePoint list, but I am unable to get the previous versions of a 'Multiple lines of text' field.
I have append changes checked in the field settings, and can get the data I need if only one entry exists in that column.
I am able to get all other data I need from the list such as: Author, ID, Title, etc. So I think I am accessing the list correctly.
Is this possible? or will I need to find a different way to go about doing this.
I apologize if my code is hard to read or follow I'm very new to scripting.
#Import SP assembly
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Client") | Out-Null
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Runtime") | Out-Null
#Get creds for SP online
$credential = Get-Credential -Credential "[email protected]"
#Connect to SP
$credentials= New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.SharePointOnlineCredentials($credential.UserName,$credential.Password)
$ctx= New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientContext($webURL)
$ctx.Credentials = $credentials
#Get the list
$lists = $ctx.web.Lists
$list = $lists.GetByTitle("mylist")
#Get the list items
$listItems = $list.GetItems([Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.CamlQuery]::CreateAllItemsQuery())
#Loop through the list items
foreach($listItem in $listItems){
#get each of the column values
$Category = $listItem.FieldValues["Category"]
$Title = $listItem.FieldValues["Title"]
$Origin = $listItem.FieldValues["Origin"]
$Issues = $listItem.FieldValues["Issues"]
$Site = $listItem.FieldValues["Site"]
$IssueStatus = $listItem.FieldValues["Issue_x0020_Status"]
$Priority = $listItem.FieldValues["Priority"]
$StartDate = $listItem.FieldValues["Start_x0020_Date"]
$DueDate = $listItem.FieldValues["Due_x0020_Date"]
$CompletedDate = $listItem.FieldValues["Completed_x0020_Date"]
$Modified = $listItem.FieldValues["Modified"]
$Created = $listItem.FieldValues["Created"]
#get the user object that created the item
$Author = $listItem.FieldValues["Author"]
#make sure the item is a user
if($Author -is [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue]){
$itemAuthor = $ctx.Web.GetUserById($Author.lookupId)
$itemAuthor = ''
#get the user who last edited the object
$Editor = $listItem.FieldValues["Editor"]
#make sure the object is a person
if($Editor -is [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue]){
$itemEditor = $ctx.Web.GetUserById($Editor.lookupId)
$itemAuthor = ''
#Get the supervisor object
$supervisorAssigned = $listItem.FieldValues["Supervisor_x002d_Assigned_x0020_"]
#Make sure the item is a user
if($supervisorAssigned -is [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.FieldUserValue]){
$supervisor = $ctx.Web.GetUserById($supervisorAssigned.lookupId)
$supervisor = ''
#Try to get only text from field
#$AdminComments = $listItem.FieldValues["Admin_x0020_Comments"] #This works, but only returns data if only 1 entry is present#
$AdminComments = ''
foreach($v in $listItem.Versions){
$AdminComments+= $v["Admin_x0020_Comments"]
#Try to get only text from field
#$OpsComments = $listItem.FieldValues["Ops_x0020_Comments"] #This works, but only returns data if only 1 entry is present#
$OpsComments = ''
foreach($v in $listItem.Versions){
$OpsComments+= $v["Ops_x0020_Comments"]
#Write values to console
#do something with the data later
Write-Host "Title: " $Title "Category: " $Category "Origin: " $Origin "Issues: " $Issues "Site: " $Site "Admin Comments: " $AdminComments "Ops Comments: " $OpsComments "Supervisor: " $supervisor.LoginName "Status: " $IssueStatus "Priority: " $Priority "Start Date: " $StartDate "Due Date: " $DueDate "Completed Date: " $CompletedDate "Date Modified: " $Modified "Modified By: " $itemEditor.LoginName "Date Created: " $Created "Author: " $itemAuthor.loginName
write-host "$($_.Exception.Message)" -foregroundcolor red