I have an issue with my root SharePoint Online site. This is 2013 user experience. While testing permissions, non-owners are not able to view any list except site pages. The test user gets access denied on any other lists/libraries. I’ve done extensive testing and the only way I can get the user to be able to see other lists is to elevate permissions to owner. I consider myself pretty savvy with SharePoint and permissions. This one has me stumped.
Things I’ve checked.
- Noticed that the “SHAREPOINT\system” account was missing from Owner group and re-added
- Granted “Read” directly to the test user
- Checked inheritance to ensure the test user has access to the list from permissions
- Ensured “Read” at the site collection level
- Double checked permissions at the list/document library level including creating a new document library and ensuring it inherits permissions.
- Checked default permission levels to ensure they haven’t been modified
- Stopped inheriting permissions on the list and added the user directly
Any thoughts?