I need to download a file in SharePoint Online from PHP.
The only data I have is the URL of the folder.
Access is public, does not require authentication.
How can you complete this task from PHP? Any API?
Thanks in advance.
I need to download a file in SharePoint Online from PHP.
The only data I have is the URL of the folder.
Access is public, does not require authentication.
How can you complete this task from PHP? Any API?
Thanks in advance.
I struggled with the same issue using phpSPO, found a direct way to download. Simply replace everything after the ? in the url with "download=1" src
$fileUrl = "https://mycompany.sharepoint.com/folders/someGUIDlikeSTRING?download=1";
$filePath = "/tmp/saveHere.file";
$strCmd = "wget -O " . $filePath . " " . $fileUrl;
Curl kept receiving a 403, while wget worked fine. Its a hackish shell call, obviously curl would be a better solution, but it works.
You can use phpSPO library (https://github.com/vgrem/phpSPO). It has 2 methods which can be used. below is snippet from another post on stackoverflow
function downloadFile(ClientRuntimeContext $ctx, $fileUrl, $targetFilePath){
$fileContent =
file_put_contents($targetFilePath, $fileContent);
print "File {$fileUrl} has been downloaded successfully\r\n";
function downloadFileAsStream(ClientRuntimeContext $ctx, $fileUrl,
$targetFilePath) {
$fileUrl = rawurlencode($fileUrl);
$fp = fopen($targetFilePath, 'w+');
$url = $ctx->getServiceRootUrl() . "web/getfilebyserverrelativeurl('$fileUrl')/\$value";
$options = new \Office365\PHP\Client\Runtime\Utilities\RequestOptions($url);
$options->StreamHandle = $fp;
print "File {$fileUrl} has been downloaded successfully\r\n";
Ref link
Here is the full source code to download SharePoint image. Library Url : https://github.com/vgrem/phpSPO
use Office365\Runtime\Auth\AuthenticationContext; use Office365\SharePoint\ClientContext; use Office365\Runtime\Auth\UserCredentials; use Office365\SharePoint\File as OfficeFile; use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
///////////////// CODE /////////////////////////
$username = 'Your SharePoint Email ID';
$password = 'Your SharePoint Password';
$fileUrl = "https://abc.sharepoint.com/abcxsed.abcx";
$fileUrl = end(explode("https://abc.sharepoint.com", $fileUrl));
$url = "https://abc.sharepoint.com/";
try {
$credentials = new UserCredentials($username, $password);
$ctx = (new ClientContext($url))->withCredentials($credentials);
$fileContent = OfficeFile::openBinary($ctx,$fileUrl);
$localFileName = end(explode("/", $fileUrl));
$publicFilePath = \Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath(file_default_scheme() . "://");
$localPath = "sites/deafults/files/property/".$property_unique_id.'_'.$localFileName;
if (!is_writable($localPath)) {
chmod($publicFilePath."/property", 0775);
$files = file_put_contents($localPath, $fileContent);
//catch exception
catch(Exception $e) {
echo 'Authentication failed: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n";