@pnp/sp version is 1.2.3/1.2.7 SharePoint version is SPO (online)
I am loading the site in the Web object and adding the client side page using the web object. Once the page got created I am adding sections, columns & web parts to the page, finally I am saving the page. The created page was holding the sections and web parts which was added programmatically, but all of sudden the sections and the web parts not appearing. I am not getting any errors but the sections are not getting added for the newly created pages.
The code I am using for creating page and adding web parts:
(async () => {
var web = new Web("https://tenant.sharepoint.com/sites/test");
const page = await web.addClientSidePage("test.aspx", "My site Page");
const section = page.addSection();
const column = section.addColumn(4);
const column1 = section.addColumn(4);
const column2 = section.addColumn(4);
await page.save();
})().then(_ => { }).catch( error => console.log(error) );
Could anyone please help me with any suggestion/solution. Thanks in advance...