I am using the following breadcrum sample. To reproduce the error use command: gulp serve
Error I got:
./src/extensions/siteBreadcrumb/SiteBreadcrumbApplicationCustomizer.ts Module parse failed: C:\Users\username\Projets\26_name\Code\Breadcrumb\sp-dev-fx-extensions\samples\react-application-breadcrumb\src\extensions\siteBreadcrumb\SiteBreadcrumbApplicationCustomizer.ts Unexpected token (15:16) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. | import { ISiteBreadcrumbProps } from './components/ISiteBreadcrumb'; | | const LOG_SOURCE: string = 'SiteBreadcrumbApplicationCustomizer'; | | /**`
gulp serve-info
and check ?npm i
andgulp serve-info --nobrowser
here with no issues. What version of gulp do you have installed globally? What version of NodeJS and npm are you using?