Today we noticed that our Project server 2013 database is locked somehow.
Weird thing is, when we check whether from CA that site SC or via SharePoint shell, we get answer that site collection is not locked, not in single user mode, etc. It shows it is ok, but when we want to create new Project site, we get simple error message
We searched for a while but found no appropriate solution for this. Also what might be useful information is that jobs connected to Project server, scheduled for nightly run are in running mode for a few days already, with no change of status or event.
We recycled app pool of WA in which Project server site collection is. Also we tried stopping windows services tied with Project server and re run them again, but again same message.
Any suggestion or what might help or what might be problem could be very useful to us.
EDIT: Forgot to write, on dashboard after anything is tried yellow ribbon with a warning is displayed.
This site is read-only at the moment.