I have a class "Wepart A" and a class "Webpart B" which have some similiarities. So I introduced a BaseWebpart from which A and B inherit.

I want to share 2 properties (SortColumn and SortDirection) which are stored in viewstate:

protected string SortRow
    object o = ViewState["SortRow"];
    if (o == null)
      return String.Empty;
    return (string)o;
    if (value == SortRow)
      SortAscending = !SortAscending;
    ViewState["SortRow"] = value;

protected bool SortAscending
    object o = ViewState["SortAscending"];
    if (o == null)
      return true;
    return (bool)o;
    ViewState["SortAscending"] = value;

and put them to the BaseWebpart. Can I access them in Webpart A and B without problems? I guess the ViewState-Keys could be a problem...any suggestions?

3 Answers 3


I think you answered your own question in your comment:

So I better go for using getter and setter methods with different keys for the viewstate.

You can have a unique key with 'this.ID', which give you the webpart 'guid'. If you want to share similar logic between webparts or controls in general, you can also create a static 'helper' class.

  • A helper class seems to be the best solution.
    – Tom Bola
    Commented Dec 15, 2011 at 8:34
  • The easiest way to share the code would be a common base class for both web parts. Commented Jan 11, 2012 at 7:21

Its better to use web part connections for this purpose. You can make one web part as Connection Provider and other as Connection Consumer and define a static connection between them.

Answer shared from this post -


  • I don't want to share the values in the viewstate between the webparts, I only want to use the same functionality to get and set the SortColumn and SortOrder in ViewState. So I better go for using getter and setter methods with different keys for the viewstate
    – Tom Bola
    Commented Dec 14, 2011 at 14:45

Because the ViewState property is marked as protected, you can't get a control's(or webpart) ViewState in another.

If you want to share data between page controls\webparts per-request basis(similar to viewstate), use HttpContext.Items instead.

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