SP2013 environment here.

I have a document library that will need to have Manufacture Column (A,B,C .. etc) and a Model Column (Based on Manufacture Column), (like A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, etc)

The Model Column will need to be Multiple selection. Then I would like a view GroupBy (Manufacture).

For example. Document1 with Model A1, B1 selected. It would appear under GroupBy Manufacture A and Manufacture B.

Is there anything I can do OOTB and not using any javacode (security policy issue).

Thanks for the big help!

1 Answer 1


In short, the Multiple selection Choice field is not supported to be used as a Group By column in the Group By setting.

enter image description here


  • Option 1: Display choices using: Drop-Down Menu or Radio Buttons
  • Option 2: Consider to merge the manufacture options, like manufacture 1, manufacture 2 , manufacture 1&2 ....etc and use one selection instead multiple!

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