I am using REST to create a dashboard. I want users to be able to interact with the dashboard by assigning items to other users, etc. Is there a way to add a people picker so that they can look-up and validate users? I have limited access to the SP environment so i can't edit the page layout or masterpage. I am just inserting my script a Script Editor web part. I was thinking i could insert some sort of control from the 'toolbox' in SP Designer, but all toolbox options are grayed out for .js files apparently and i don't have access to edit site page files or page layouts. I'd like them to be able to use the native SharePoint people picker controls to select a person and then use REST to POST that person to a list column. Essentially, I want a people picker control inserted on the page via my javascript file. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
getCategories("Test List")
function getCategories(listName){
var userId = _spPageContextInfo.userId;
var url = _spPageContextInfo.siteServerRelativeUrl+
"/_api/lists/getbytitle('Test List')/items?$select=*,Author/Title&$expand=Author&$orderby=Created desc&$top=100";
url: url,
method: 'GET',
beforeSend: function (XMLHttpRequest){
XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json; odata=verbose');
success: function( data ) {
createHTML(data, listName);
function createHTML(data, listName){
var arr = data.d.results;
var container = $('.dashboard');
for(var i in arr){
var item = arr[i];
//console.log(title + " - " + item.CostSavings);
var title = item.Title;
var status = item.Status ? item.Status : "Status Pending";
var author = item.Author["Title"];
var category = item.Category ? item.Category : "Uncategorized";
'<div class="requestWrap">'+
'<div class="requestTitle">'+title+'</div>'+
'<div class="homeItemStatus">'+status+'</div>'+
'<div class="requestAuthor">Requestor: '+author+'</div>'+
'<div style="display:none">'+category+'</div>'+