I am trying to set a default value for a managed metadata field in a newly created library, can I achieve that with Set-PnPField?

1 Answer 1


You can use the Set-PnPDefaultColumnValues command to set the value.

Use it as below:

Set-PnPDefaultColumnValues -List Documents -Field TaxKeyword 
-Value \"Company|Locations|Stockholm\""

where the term Stockholm is located in the Locations termset inside Company term group.

If you know the guid of the term, then you can do it as:

Set-PnPDefaultColumnValues -List Documents -Field TaxKeyword 
-Value \"15c4c4e4-4b67-4894-a1d8-de5ff811c791\""

Here, TaxKeyword is the internal name of the column inside Documents library.

Reference - Set-PnPDefaultColumnValues

  • Hey @user3202981 , did you try this code ? If it worked for you, could you please mark it as answer ? Its just a tick besides the answer. Commented May 8, 2018 at 13:20

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