I have two list I SharePoint 365, from an item in the list A I start a nintex workflow. The workflow make a new item in list B, make an Url with Id from the new item in List B. and update a column in list a with the Url displayed as an Id. No problem doing that... But when I try to do the same again, I would like the workflow to ad the new items Id after the one I made first, and so on, splitted by a comma, or semicolon og something else.
The Column Type for the Id in list A is a Hyperlink or picture. In the wookflow I use a build string action and a variable for previousId but it only works first time I run the workflow.
I cant figure out how I split the two or more id´s from list B
Here is the build sting action that Works, but only one time: https://xxxxonline.sharepoint.com/teams/kslau/Audit/Lists/Audit%20%20Observationer/DispForm.aspx?ID={Variable:OId}, {Variable:OId}
Here is like what I want to do: {Variable:PreviousOId} , https://xxxxonline.sharepoint.com/teams/kslau/Audit/Lists/Audit%20%20Observationer/DispForm.aspx?ID={Variable:OId}, {Variable:OId}
I hope somebody could help me with this problem
Best regards Keld