I'm trying to create a Search Results and Articles (Body only) page through powershell. This is what I've trying:
# Add the PowerShell Snapin
$snapin = Get-PSSnapin | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell'}
if ($snapin -eq $null)
Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell"
# Get the SiteURL
$SiteUrl = "https://collaboration-dvlp2.canadacouncil.ca"
# Get the WebURL
$WebUrl = "https://collaboration-dvlp2.canadacouncil.ca/grants/home/"
# Get the PageLayout
$PageLayoutRelUrl = "/_catalogs/masterpage/SearchResults.aspx"
# Get the Page URL
$PageName = "SearchPage.aspx"
# Get the Title of the Page which is going to get created
$PageTitle = "SamplePage"
# Initialize the Site Object
$Site = Get-SPSite($SiteUrl)
# Get the Publishing Site based on the SPSite
$PublishingSite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite($Site)
# Get the SPWeb Object
$Web = Get-SPWeb $WebUrl
# Initialize the PublishingWeb based on the SPWeb
$PublishingWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($Web)
# Get the PageLayouts Installed on the Publishing Site
$Layouts = $PublishingSite.GetPageLayouts($False)
# Get our PageLayout
#$PageLayout = $Layouts[$PageLayoutRelUrl]
$PageLayout = $PublishingSite.GetPageLayouts($false)| ? {$_.Name -eq "SearchResults.aspx"}
# Create a new publishing page.
$Page = $PublishingWeb.AddPublishingPage($PageName, $PageLayout)
# Assign the Title for the Page
$Page.Title = $PageTitle
# Update the Page
# Check in the Page with Comments
$Page.CheckIn("Page Created Successfully")
# Publish the Page With Comments
$Page.ListItem.File.Publish("Page Created Successfully and Publish Comment")
# Set as homepage
$RootFolder = $Web.RootFolder
$RootFolder.WelcomePage = "Pages/" + $PageName
I keep getting this error:
Exception calling "AddPublishingPage" with "2" argument(s): "Value does not fall within the expected range." At line:45 char:2 + $Page = $PublishingWeb.AddPublishingPage($PageName, $PageLayout)