I want to create what is basically a KPI column for a list that color codes each list item based on status. All of the examples I see to do that involve creating a new page, adding a web part to display the list, and then use some javascript via jslink to conditionally color each item.
The problem is that I want people to use the actual list, and not a web part on a web part page because when you add web parts that contains list data to a page, the user cannot create or see personal views like they can when they are working with the actual list or it's view page. And if they go to the actual list or list view page, they will not see the color coding.
So how can I provide both? Do I edit the actual page in SharePoint Designer that displays the list view (like allItems.aspx) instead of creating a new page and inserting a web part that displays the list? I don't know where to start and I don't know if it's possible to provide the user with both features of view creation and color coding on the same page or list.