I am having trouble setting up my Column Validation formula on a list. I need to restrict the field to only be the 10th of any given month.
I found the below answer, but I don't want it to be the 10th day of the month excluding weekends, I need the date to be the 10th.
You'll have to build it in pieces - will take a bit of experimentation but
First build the date of the 10th.
Date(year, month, 10) - not sure what your date field you are building off off, but if you built it off of the created date it would look something like
Date(Year([Created]), Month([Created]), 10)
Then you'd have to test to see if that was a weekend, and subtract 1 day if it was a Saturday, or 2 if it was a sunday.
I haven't tested this, but something along these lines. weekday 6 is Saturday, weekday 0 is sunday
Where I have an X, replace that with Date(Year([Created]), Month([Created]), 10)
=IF(WEEKDAY(X) = 6, X-1, if(WEEKDAY(X) = 0, X-2,X ) ) https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/c13b8150-2fff-4eb5-846b-888c392f89b8/set-deadline-date-as-10th-day-of-every-month-excluding-weekends?forum=sharepointgeneralprevious
I've been trying to imitate the formula, but am getting syntax errors:
=IF(Date([Effective Date])=Date(Year([Effective Date]),Month([Effective Date]),10))