What I am trying to do is access a SharePoint 2010 document library, change all root and sub folders of that library from their existing content type to a new content type. So far my code has somewhat worked but I cannot seem to see the content types although I can get the folders.

    Function RunThroughSubFolders($folder)
       foreach($subfolder in $folder.SubFolders)
            #write-host $subfolder.Name

            $OldCTName = "Document Set"
            $oldCT = $subfolder.ContentTypes[$OldCTName]

               if ($subfolder.ContentType.Name -eq $oldCT.Name)

                       write-host "OLD CONTENT TYPE NAME FOUND!("$oldCT.Name ")" $subfolder.Name

                       #write-host $subfolder["ContentTypeId"]

                         $subfolder["ContentTypeId"] = $newCTID



     Function GetFolders($Folder)
          foreach($subfolder in $Folder.SubFolders)

     $web = Get-SPWeb "//url//”

         foreach($list in $web.Lists)
             if($list.Title -eq "Document Library")

1 Answer 1


ContentTypes and ContentType are not properties of an SPFolder object.

So your line

$oldCT = $subfolder.ContentTypes[$OldCTName]

will not work, and neither will

$subfolder.ContentType.Name -eq $oldCT.Name
$subfolder["ContentTypeId"] = $newCTID

To fix the first part, I would recommend getting the SPContentType object from the list, so maybe something like:

if($list.Title -eq "Document Library")
    $OldCTName = "Document Set"
    $oldCT = $list.ContentTypes[$OldCTName]

    # multiple parameters are passed in Powershell as space separated, not comma separated
    GetFolders $list.RootFolder $oldCT 

and then pass the content type object on to your next function(s) in a similar way

Function RunThroughSubFolders($folder, $oldCT)
    # ...

Function GetFolders($Folder, $cType)
    foreach($subfolder in $Folder.SubFolders)
        RunThroughSubFolders $subfolder $cType

As for the second problem, what you probably want to be doing is

if ($subfolder.Item.ContentType.Name -eq $oldCT.Name)
    $subfolder.Item["ContentTypeId"] = $newCTID


SPFolder members

SPListItem members

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