Is it possible to create a Service Application backup using Central Administration on a server that is not running Central Administration?

Let's say I have a SharePoint farm consisting of 3 servers:

  • Application Server (Central Administration)
  • Web Server
  • Database Server

Can I navigate to the Central Administration site using the Web Server and create a Service Application backup on a local drive there?

Or can I only use Central Administration to create a Service Application backup on the server hosting Central Administration (Application server)

Running a service application backup using the Application Server, hosting Central Administration works, but running the same backup on the Web server fails mentioning a permission issue:

"Directory does not exist or the SQL Server Service Account and the logged-on user account do not have permission to read or write to the backup folder. Specify a different directory or ensure that the SharePoint Timer service and Microsoft SQL Server service accounts have Full Control permission on both the file share and the underlying folder."

1 Answer 1


from Central admin, You Cannot back up directly to tape. The backup location must be a UNC path or local drive. But

  • if you have load balanced Central admin( means hosted on multiple servers, by default it is hosted on one server), then you can select either server.
  • or create the UNC path and it will place the backup over their.

Choose backup and recovery tools

  • What to you mean with back up directly to tape?
    – TempaC
    Commented Jan 15, 2016 at 10:10

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