I've added a page to my recently created site (also created my own master page)... everything is fine. It's a two column layout and the left hand column has been modified to be a bit smaller then the default. There is a table of data in both the right and left side.
I'd like to take this page, and make it into some sort of template now. It's basically a format I want people to utilizing when adding new wiki items to the site so its consistent for others when viewing. What's the easiest way? At the end of the day, I want a user (not that technical) to be able to do something like "add a new page" and it will open up this template and allow them to edit the template. They will fill in their subject, links (on both sides of the layout) and add any additional material.
The users will not have access to sharepoint designer software, just the web interface. I am using Sharepoint 2013.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?!