This is a pretty generic error in SharePoint that can be caused by any number of things. You can take a look a the Web Parts Maintenance Page by adding "?content=1" to the URL of your page. If you recently added a web part to the page or some other customization, this will allow you to turn it off.
More than likely though, you will have to do some digging. Whenever you in that page and get an error, you get a correlation id like in your example above. You can dig deep into the logs by finding them (typically in C:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\15\logs). Look for the most recent file and do a search it in and see if you can find that correlation id. If you can't find it you might try the previous log. When you find matching entries for the correlation id, you should get some idea to the component that is failing and causing your issues.