I have an SPService class.
MySPService : SPService, IBackupRestore, IDiagnosticManager {
private string propertyUpdatedByJobsOnAllServers;
I also have a Job that runs against the SPWebService.ContentService, SPlockType.none.
So this job runs on every machine.
Each job needs to register some values to the MySPService class to the same property.
Like many SPPersistedObject things many servers could be updating properties on them all the time. So how can you ensure that an object with many machines trying to update those properties is "locked" between the time you get/set the proeprty and the .Update on the object.
So can someone tell me how to "Lock" an SPPersistedObject so that many things can safely set properties.
Or point me to an article that says these objects are locked as soon as a reference to them is made (doubtful).
Or an article that says properties are locked when accessed/modified etc.
Or any article that can prove/show me that accessing these objects across multiple machines is safe.