I'm just getting into sharepoint dev, and working on trying to create a workflow that is for "document approval" essentially.
the logic needs to be that a document is created, it gets an "approval date" (or due date). and there are 3 different teams that will give their approval.
the issue i have, is that i want the workflow to wait until EITHER all 3 teams have given approval --OR-- when the due date is there.
Think of it as a "you have until this time to give your approval" BUT if everyone gives their approval early to let it continue.
Can anyone help me on how I might get this going? I have it working that it can wait for all 3 approvals, or it can wait for the given time, but I want it to respond to whichever is first.
Thanks in advance!
-EDIT- Here is the code i have now. The parallel is set to complete with the Variable:trigger is true. But it is never getting to completed even after both tasks are marked as Approved. Thoughts? Is there a better way than this?
Stage:Request Approvals
Assign a task to Mat Scherger (Task outcome to Variable: OPSApproval | Task ID to Variable: OPSTaskID )
Assign a task to Mat Scherger (Task outcome to Variable: COMApproval | Task ID to Variable: COMTaskID )
Set Workflow Status to Waiting Approvals
Set Variable: Approved to Rejected
Transition to stage
Go to Waiting for Approvals
Stage:Waiting for Approvals
Set Variable: trigger to No
The following actions will run in parallel:
Step: Department Approvals
Wait for Event: When an item is changed (Output to Variable: itemtrigger )
If Variable: OPSApproval equals Approved
and Variable: COMApproval equals Approved
Set Variable: Approved to Approved
Set Variable: trigger to Yes
Step: Wait for Due Date
Pause until 7/29/2014 9:52:00 PM
Set Variable: Approved to Approved
Set Variable: trigger to Yes
Transition to stage
If Variable: Approved equals Approved
Go to Completed
Go to Waiting for Approvals