I'm having trouble changing the site theme in my SharePoint Foundation 2010 environment.
When I do Site Actions > Site Settings > Look and Feel > Site Theme, i receive:
Error: Access Denied
I currently have Full Control over the site.
When verifying the User Permissions in Central Administration, I can see that All Permissions are enabled (including "Apply themes and borders").
I can find nothing in my ULS logs concerning this.
There is not a single site where I can change the Site Theme.
Please advise.
After fiddling with the permissions I managed to reach the theme selection page on 1 subsite. But after selecting any theme for that site I receive the error:
Error Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. Correlation ID: x
When I filter for the Correlation ID I see 3 messages:
- Name=Request (POST:http://URL/Site/TestSite1/_layouts/themeweb.aspx)
- Site=/
- Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (POST:http://URL/Site/TestSite1/_layouts/themeweb.aspx)). Execution Time=43.8902150971702
These messages aren't very useful.
All the other sites still give me the Acces Denied error.