I have a list. I want add a column for list with this format :
How to set this Validate for column?
i use this link , but don't work for me.
I have a list. I want add a column for list with this format :
How to set this Validate for column?
i use this link , but don't work for me.
You've got a few options.
1) JavaScript validation on form as shown in the link in your question.
It DOES work if done correctly and is probably the quickest way do this.
Pro - Quick and easy and allows you to provide immediate feedback to user in OnBlur event.
Cons - limited in what you can do (e.g. can't run server side code to check against another list) and easy to 'get around' e.g. via the DataSheet view.
2) A custom column that applies regular expression validation.
You can use/adapt one of these open source projects
3) Write your own custom column.
More complex - but allows you to combine server side and client side validation.
Though not as easy or powerful as regular expressions, standard Column Validation can use a rich selection of Excel-like string functions. For example...
=IF(LEN([ColumnName])=7,IF(MID([ColumnName],3,1)="-"),TRUE,FALSE),FALSE) -or-<br>
Some more complex examples are described at http://sharepointsolutions.com/sharepoint-help/blog/2011/12/how-to-use-or-type-options-in-sharepoint-2010-column-validation/