I am trying to use a SharePoint request action in Power Automate to upload a file to a library. I'm running into an issue that I've seen many others who have attempted this either using the SP JSOM or jquery/ajax calls in that any file other than a 'txt' is corrupt when uploaded.

Does anyone know how to properly use PowerAutomate to upload a file to SP with REST?

I am converting the my base64 string into binary via the base64tobinary() expression. Uri endpoints and headers are as follows:

    method: post
    uri: _api/web/lists/getbytitle('shareddocs')/RootFolder/files/add(overwrite=true,url='filename')
    headers:  {
    accept:  application/json; odata=verbose,
    content-type:  application/octet-stream
    body:  base64tobinary('base64var')

1 Answer 1


Might not be the direct answer to your question, but it is probably easier to use the native "Create file" action instead of the REST:

enter image description here

  • Yes, if I could use the native I definitely would however I need my solution to be dynamic. Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 22:27
  • 1
    Create file is quite dynamic. every field here can be a variable Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 22:29
  • whoops sorry. i misread your reply. i’ll see if i can go this route. thanks! Commented Apr 9, 2021 at 23:07

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