I am creating templates using the PnP provisioning but am noticing the items are not being created. I have this .json file

    "persistAssetFiles": false,
    "handlers": [
    "lists": {
        "lists": [
                "title": "MyData",
                "includeItems": true
    "pages": {
        "includeAllClientSidePages": true

and the exported XML file has the datarows data in it, but when I apply it to a site, the lists that get created don't have the data in it. Does anyone know what's wrong?

  • What command are you using to publish the XML file? Also can you post a snippet of the area around <Datarows>? Edit: please also add the version of pnp you are using, and try with the latest version as well. Older releases were able to export but not import IIRC
    – tunaahi333
    Commented Dec 8, 2020 at 21:15

1 Answer 1


Not all fields (especially the built-in fields) could be imported, it will cause the item creation gets failed.

Hence I suggest you only keep the expected fields. You can use Add-PnPDataRowsToProvisioningTemplate to help to add data rows or use below quick way to choose the fields to extract for items.

"lists": {
    "lists": [
            "title": "MyData",
            "includeItems": true,
            "query": {
                "viewFields": ["Title"]


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