According to official KB, the cmdlet should be

Backup-SPFarm -Directory <BackupFolder> -BackupMethod {Full | Differential} -Item <ContentDatabaseName> [-Verbose]

However when I run above cmdlet on SP2016 on-premise, it warn me as below:

Run again with either:
        Farm\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content
        Farm\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_2018
        Farm\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content_2019

Although the warning is very clear that I need to change my cmdlet's "-item" parameter, it is not aligned with official article. Anyway, I tried run again with -item "Farm\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content". The backup started and ended with error:

[FatalError] Object WSS_Content failed in event OnBackup. For more information, see the spbackup.log or sprestore.log file located in the backup directory. SqlException: Cannot open backup device 'd:\backup\spbr0000\000000DF.bak'. Operating system error 3(The system cannot find the path specified.). BACKUP DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

Is the MS article still valid?

I ran the cmdlet at my APP server with my farm admin account. It looks like the powershell is trying to carry out SQL backup at SQL server. How should I tune my cmdlet and what permission I need to grant between APP and SQL server?

1 Answer 1


Yes, the article is valid, the issue is the destination used. If SQL Server is not on the same server as SharePoint, you must use a UNC path (\\serverName\shareName) granting the SQL Server service account with Share permissions of Full Control and NTFS permissions of Modify.

I would instead suggest using a SQL Server Agent job to perform the backup.

  • The article mentioned -Item <ContentDatabaseName> but actually I need to type in entire path -item "Farm\Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Web Application\SharePoint - 80\WSS_Content". Is it my environment or the article invalid?
    – Mark L
    Commented Sep 25, 2020 at 1:23

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