I am employed by a medium size company in financial the area with approx 10 areas.. Compliance, IT, Sales..
I've built around 14 subsites to allow document storage and each subsite has 6 indentical headings. Audit, Documents, Meetings, MI, Policies, Processes, Contracts. These are document libraries, below these I have folders. I am to start populating these folders shortly.
Currently data is stored on network drives, local drives. Some go back many years and are reference material only. We are intending to keep network drives on a read only basis.
Marketing which includes, product information, graphic design have many files stored. These are jpgs, psd, working files.. and so on. They are concerned over the vastness of information they have and its a huge job to put material onto sharepoint, is there a real advantage for old work.
I too am concerned as it wont provide any real benefit and could lead to single point of failure.. I guess that’s another conversation.
The structure I mentioned earlier ( Audit, Documents, Meetings, MI, Policies, Processes, Contracts) seams good but this information is at a higher level and not working documents... This is my observation... Could someone provide clarity in what documents should be stored on Sharepoint, particularly if we’re starting to use the system.
In terms of documents am i correct in thinking that there is a distinction between private working data (lower level) and widely used data (higher level), I've probably used the wrong terminology here..