I have a SharePoint farm with multiple(let us say I have 5 web applications). Every solution has currently the wsp solution installed(we can call it solution1.wsp)
The thing I want to do is I want all of the web applications to keep running solution1.wsp but I want one or two of the web applications to run the updated (newSolution1.wsp)
So like this:
http://placeholder1/ -> should run solution1.wsp
http://placeholder2/ -> should run solution1.wsp
http://placeholder3/ -> should run solution1.wsp
http://placeholder4/ -> should run Newsolution1.wsp
http://placeholder5/ -> should run Newsolution1.wsp
With my understanding I can't use Update SPSolution(because it will update on all of the web applications) I have instead tried to use "Install-SPSolution NewSolution1.wsp -Force –GACDeployment –Web application http://placeholder5/"
and in central admin it looks successful but when I check on http://placeholder5/ nothing of the new code is added.
Thank you in advance!